Mathew Salter, Council Member (2024-2028)

Mathew Salter

Mathew Salter moved to Ross in 2018 with his wife Tracy.  They have two sons who currently attend the Ross School.  Since moving to Ross, Mathew and Tracy have been active in the community: Mathew served as the Treasurer of the Ross Property Owners Association (2020-24) and in 2021, Tracy established Ross Bridges, a local preschool and educational center in downtown Ross.  Mathew graduated from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and after fifteen years working in Finance, now works in the Affordable Housing industry.  He is a CFA charter holder with broad knowledge of capital markets, portfolio management, finance, budgeting, and State housing affordability issues.



Public Works
Association of Bay Area Governments
Marin Clean Energy Board of Directors
MCCMC Legislative Committee
MCCMC Homeless Committee
Safe Routes to School Task Force
Transportation Authority of Marin Board of Commissioners

Contact Information:
P.O. Box 320
Ross, CA 94957

Please note any written communication to a Town Council Member or to Town staff is a public record that cannot be kept in a confidential manner.

Contact Mathew Salter