Affordable Housing Opportunities

Available housing locations

Residential sites inventory

As part of the Housing Element Update, each jurisdiction in California is assigned a number of housing units to plan for across four income categories (very low-, low- moderate-, and above moderate-income). This is referred to as the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). For the Housing Element Cycle 6, Ross is required to build the following housing units.

  • 34 units for households earning a very-low income and below;
  • 20 units for households earning a low-income;
  • 16 units for households earning a moderate-income; and
  • 41 units for households earning an above-moderate income and above.


Planned low-income housing units

The Town of Ross has identified two sites for the construction of low-income housing units and workforce housing units.

Branson School: Located at 39 Fernhill Road in Ross, the Branson School is a co-educational college preparatory high school for students in grades 9–12. The school has a staff of 80 full-time equivalent employees, including 55 teaching staff and 25 non-teaching or hybrid staff. The high cost of housing in Marin County is the single-most significant obstacle to recruitment for the school. To combat this issue and ensure that there is enough workforce housing in Ross, Branson plans to construct 10 new workforce housing units on the Branson School site that would be affordable to people making less than 80 percent of Marin average median income. The Town of Ross has already amended the zoning ordinance to allow the construction of these new units.

Civic Center Master Plan: The Town is preparing a Facilities Master Plan for the modernization of the Ross Civic Center complex, which includes the Town Hall and Public Safety Building. Originally constructed in 1927, the Public Safety Building is now physically and functionally obsolete and must be reconstructed to address extensive structural deficiencies. As part of the Civic Center redevelopment, the Town will facilitate construction of nine workforce housing units on the site to be made available at rents affordable to households earning less than 80 percent of Marin County AMI.


Opportunities for low-income housing partners

If you are interested in working with Ross to fund or assist in the development of affordable housing at the new Civic Center or other locations in our town, please contact Roberta Feliciano at