Rental Assistance Options

St. Vincent De Paul Society aims to provide compassionate care and critical services to residents of Marin County who are struggling to make ends meet. Services include free hot meals, rapid rehousing assistance, and immediate financial crisis assistance to help prevent evictions.  For more information call 415-454-3303.

Community Action Marin aims to provides everyday life needs. Their housing programs include eviction resources, rental and utility assistance, housing case management, and support services to those experiencing poverty or housing insecurity. For more information call 415-526-7500.

Legal Aid of Marin provides legal representation and services for eviction protection and tenant rights. Services are available to low-income families and individuals. For more information call 415-492-0230.

Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California assists families and individuals with fair housing-related concerns, tenant rights, foreclosure prevention, and counseling. For more information call 415-457-5025.